Saturday, December 31, 2011

Playing with the word

for others joy is happiness, delight or whatsoever that fit in...
but for me, joy is 
Just. Over. You 

Monday, December 26, 2011

Up to the sky

kalau tidak ia meracun....
walau hanya pada awan-awanan....

cr : Hlovate

Thank You!

You were the last person I thought would hurt me
I could never imagined you to do so... apparently you were soooo good with it
I should give you some credit for that..

Anyways, muchos gracias 
So long my so called friend..
hope our path never crossed each other again


Thursday, December 15, 2011

Super Duper Happy!!!!

ade 2 hal yang buat aku btol2 happy saat ini....

1) Onew da update me2day, secara x lgsg bg aku peluang utk wish birthday dia secara live [yea, sy mmg SHINee World yg prihatin]

2) My super best friend bru je letupkan berita tergempar - dy blk mgu dpn!!! yea, bley jmp... agk kurg sbar la nk tgu dy smp cney even time 2 study week... tp pe slhnyer 2 3 4 5 jam abis ngn dy jer kn....

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Note to myself :-

1) STUDY please
2) For about 2 - 3 weeks please forget about any novels
3) Don't eat instant noodles EVERYDAY!
4) PLEASE eat proper meal
5) Control the anger
6) Block any desire to go for entertainment
7) Save more money
8) Pay attention in classes
9) Ignored any attempted to drag you to -ve side
10) NEVER believe a man's words

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Knock Down!!

Being hurt is a part of life...
Everybody hurts....
but to be hurt by someone you trust with all your heart, someone who you thought would be the last one to cause you pain... 
it could bring hell....

so broken, that no words could describe it....
it's totally the ultimatum of knock down...