Friday, October 30, 2009

wat cik wani ku syg...

aku mls r nk ckp pe2....
ang tgo sndr r...
Wednesday, 28 October 2009
Carling Cup
Home Team Score Away Team Time
Arsenal 2-1 Liverpool

12.29 am...

still,aku blom tdo lg....
sbb aku x dpt tdo,aku update r  blog ney...
smbl2 aku on9...
aku de rse aku tlpe sumthing....
tp da nme pn tlpe kn,aku x tw r pe yg aku lpe 2....
da r xley tdo, lapar plak 2...
nk mkn, mls...
so,aku thn je...
mmg x bley bla kn...
sblum korg ktuk aku,aku sdar dlu...
da r...
aku da nk mrepek ney..
dr aku mrepek yg x bfaedah,lg ok klo aku g onemanga....

Saturday, October 24, 2009

November 3 2009....

klo bley aku xnk ari 2 dtg...
klo bley biar lgsg xde 3/11...
tp spe aku nk hilangkn ari...
wlau pe pn yg aku wat,3/11 ttp akn dtg...
3/11,ari sorg kwn aku akn g jauh dr aku...
well,xde r jauh mne...
tp ckup aku tw he wont b around any more...
wlau aku rse cdey,tp ko g utk kbaikan ko gak...
so,sbg kwn aku xkn halang ko...
aku support dcision ko 2...
2 my fren there,wish u all d best...

all d best 4 u,my best fren....

Thursday, October 22, 2009

2 mr W.....

aku tw mmg ssh nk lpe org  yg jd pghuni ati ko... lg ssh ble ko ske kt org yg pnh ko ske, tp dy da xde feel kt ko da.... seksa ble tgo dy bhgye ngn org len,sdgkan ko tw ko ley jd org 2.... plg pedih ble ko x pnh bniat pn nk smbut cinte dy 2,tp ttbe plak ko ley tgkap cintan ngn dy.... nyesal ker??? well,mmg pdn r ngn muke ko... aku da ckp jgn nk wat dy cm2... tp ko degil... ko xpnh dgr ckp aku... wlau aku simpati ngn ko, tp ati aku ttp rse geram...sory sbb aku tlalu jujur... tp ney je cre aku dpt sdrkn ko... jgn ko igt sume pmpuan ko ley dpt... cntoh da de dpn mte... so,nnt pndai2 r ko idup... aku still igt pjnjian kte...n ko da lggr pnjian kte... soo,aku hrp ko xkn cntact aku lg.....

p/s : aku x pnh nyesal sbb knl ko... juz aku cdey sbb ko xpnh ikhlas jdik kwn aku....

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

saya gelak bila awak gelak...

2 r words yg de kt tshirt yg aku bru bli ney... aku rse cm ssuai ngn aku... sbb 2 r aku bli...  aku mmg akn gelak ble org len gelak... wlau aku sndri xtw sbb pe dorg 2 gelak... yg aku tw,ble dorg gelak,aku ngn automatiknye akn gelak skali... hehe... ntah pape r aku ney... tp yg jdik prob skrg ney,ble dorg da abs gelak pn aku x stop2 lg.... letih tw aku nk stop gelak ney... org kte ble kte gelak,kte xkn stress... tp bg aku, ckup stress ble nk gelak... sbb nnt aku x dpt nk control... sum1 help me plezzzz.....

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

aku dan dia....

aku seorg girl...
dy plak boy...
aku pndiam...
dy byk glur...
aku mnangis...
dy ktwa....
aku ske bce...
mlukis i2 hidup dy....
byk pzaan ktorg.....
tp yg nyata,dlm byk2 pbzaan 2,de 1 psamaan yg nyata skali.....
kami saling membenci...
aku mmg benci dy...
dan dy plak,x pnh ske aku...

Friday, October 16, 2009

my soulmate - r u there....?

Soulmate is sum1 that when u  meet him/her you feel an imediate connection to - a connection so strong that you are drawn to them in a way you have never experienced before. As this connection develops over time, you experience a love so deep, strong and complex, that you begin to doubt that you have ever truly loved anyone prior. Your soulmate understands and connects with you in every way and on every level, which brings a sense of peace, calmness and happiness when you are around them. And when you are not around them, you are all that much more aware of the harshness of life, and how bonding with another person in this way is the most significant and satisfying thing you will experience in your lifetime. You are also all that much aware of the beauty in life, because you have been given a great gift and will always be thankful. Your soulmate is like other half of your brain. If u lose a half, d other will malfunction. Life would be nothing if one half of the brain/conscious was without this person.


Hidup ini indah...

wlau pon byk sgt prob, tp kte xdpt nk nafikn yg hidup ini sgt indah... klo xde mslh, kte xkn tahu how much kte rse hapy sblum ney... ble kte hepy plak, kte akn igt blk sblum ney kte da down glur... so,tnpe mslh xde r bhgia... mslh ney like motivasi bg kte... kte kne igt bkn kte jer de mslh.. org len pn sme gak... tp npe org len bley rlx, slumber jerk, pdhal kte da mcm kucing hilang anak (ntah2 kucing 2 pn x mcm kte,kte jer yg lbey)... hidup ney kn like roda... spe yg kt atas 2 x smstinye kekal kt atas... tgu mse jer nk trun... cm2 r gak ngn yg kt bwh... myb skrg kte rse klam kabut glur tp nnt smp mse  kte free r...  slagi kte tahu cmner nk jlani hidup ngn sempurna, kte xkn rse boring... even if we r alone....

Saturday, October 3, 2009

aku dan butterfly

aku bru sdr npe r aku ske sgt ngn butterfly ney....
ble aku pk dlm2,bru aku realise yg aku dan butterfly sme jer scra teori...
butterfly pny hyat idup yg x pnjg... cm 2 gak ngn ati dan prasaan aku... cpt mati....
wlaupn aku x nk jd cm2,tp aku x dpt nk elak pn...
aku xley control ati aku sndr....
ati aku seolah2 pny tuan yg len...
bkn aku....
dlm psmaan de gak pbezaan....
at least wlau skjp,butterfly dpt hapy kn ati org len....
tp pe yg aku slalu wat???
kwn2 aku rmai yg trsa ati....
aku sdr 2 sume...
tp pe nk wat...
tljk perahu bley r undur...